... during the traditional cattle drive.
The end of the summer season in the Tyrolean Alps is without a doubt the traditional cattle drive.
Have you ever heard of “Almabtrieb”? Almabtrieb, or “cattle drive” in English, is a lively tradition in the Alps. In September and October, when the days get shorter and colder and it gradually becomes autumn in Austria, the animals return from the mountains to their home barns. A spectacle that you shouldn’t miss during your autumnal stay at our hotel in the Austrian Alps. Cattle, sheep, goats and horses are colorfully adorned with flowers, bells, and ribbons. The atmosphere is cheerful, lively, and relaxed. And the drive symbolises the gratitude of the shepherds for the good and accident-free summer that the animals spent on high alpine pastures and meadows. After their return, the animals are sheared, while the people celebrate the day with music and culinary delicacies.
Visit our hotel in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena at autumn time and admire this truly unique traditional spectacle up close!